Smart Golf Travel, Partner Of Essentially Mallorca

At Smart Golf Travel, we are thrilled to announce that in 2024 we are partnering with Essentially Mallorca, a company that promotes luxury travel in Mallorca. It’s common knowledge that Mallorca receives a lot of tourism, but there is increasing talk about the “silent luxury” present on the island.

On February 8, 2024, Essentially Mallorca and the Consell de Mallorca held an event at the Urso Hotel & Spa in Madrid. Journalists specialized in the luxury segment and agencies working with the American market attended to enhance the image of responsible tourism. Essentially Mallorca’s report highlighted the increasing interest of the American market in the “silent luxury” sector in Mallorca.

You might be surprised by the alliance between sustainability and luxury, but the key is to integrate residents and visitors to achieve a balance between the environment and travelers.

The reasons for the collaboration are therefore varied. Here’s a summary:

  1. Golf and the luxury sector go hand in hand.
  2. At SGT, we advocate for sustainability, so we are proud of the PLEDGE or commitment to responsible tourism by luxury tourism companies in Mallorca, signed between the Consell de Mallorca and Essentially Mallorca.
  3. Both our partner and SGT recommend discovering the north of Mallorca as one of the paradises to explore.

If you enjoyed this post, we encourage you to read next month’s: the most incredible places in the north of Mallorca, revealed by SGT and Essentially Mallorca.

We look forward to seeing you there!